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  • Writer's pictureMonica Chase

Humanity vs. Technology: How My Tech-Inspired Novels Explore Our Deepest Connections (plus my favorite motivational writing tips)

Updated: Jun 13

cluttered desk with laptops and workers


Hello again to my cherished community of thinkers and dreamers! Monica Chase here, your guide through the intricate dance of technology and human emotion. You've joined me on this path before, where every story springs from real interactions and the swift currents of our changing world. Today, I'm pulling back the curtain a bit more on why I chose this writer’s journey and how my love for connecting deeply with others and my fascination with cutting-edge technology fuel the stories I tell. Let’s dive back into these waters together and see where the current takes us.

The Heart of My Writing: Universal Emotions and Technological Wonders

At the core of my work is a profound fascination with the universal struggles and joys of being human. How do we navigate a world that often seems fractured yet filled with hope? My inspiration springs from the people I've met and the resilient spirits I've observed, each story a tapestry woven from the threads of human experiences.

Coupled with this is my love for technology. As an early adopter, I'm perpetually amazed by human ingenuity and the sheer potential of modern advancements. Whether it's the latest gadget or a breakthrough in genetic editing, these tools reshape my imagination and infuse my narratives with a sense of wonder about what's possible, both now and in the future.

Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

We live at a crucial crossroads where technology promises to either solve some of our greatest challenges or exacerbate our deepest divides. It has the potential to transform our existence, yet paradoxically, we sometimes find ourselves more isolated than ever—lost in our devices instead of engaging with the world around us. This dichotomy fuels my narratives, where characters find themselves in extraordinary situations prompted by real or imminent technological phenomena. Their salvation often lies not in technology alone but in forging meaningful connections with others.

Storytelling as Connection

My ultimate aim? To keep you awake at night, not out of fear, but because you see your reflections in my characters. Through my stories, I strive to remind us all of the power of human connection. Each book or blog post is an invitation to explore not only what makes us tick but also what connects us at a fundamental level.

Reflecting on the Art of Storytelling

My journey into storytelling was born from a desire to engage people deeply in the narrative of life, to make them feel seen and understood. My earlier work in freelance writing taught me the value of authenticity—creating timeless stories that resonate across different audiences by tapping into universal human experiences.

"I often envisioned specific individuals as I wrote," I recall. "I wanted each story to feel like a conversation with a friend who understands your struggles and still welcomes you with open arms and a comforting drink."

Practical Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors

  1. Let Go of Perfectionism: As James Wedmore wisely said, "Perfectionism is the shield that keeps you from being judged." Release it. Your story deserves to be told, judgment notwithstanding.

  2. Visualize Your Book: Keep your book alive in your daily visual space. Use post-its, storyboards, or whatever helps you keep the narrative flow visible.

  3. Utilize Technology: Tools like voice-to-text apps (such as REV or Otter) can streamline the writing process, especially when inspiration strikes unexpectedly.

  4. Embrace Unconventional Writing Spaces: Don't wait for the perfect writing environment. Write wherever you can, whenever you can—power up your devices and let the words flow.

  5. Dedicate Time for Intensive Writing: Sometimes, a retreat is necessary. Consider weekend getaways dedicated solely to writing—total immersion can lead to breakthroughs.


My path as an author is continually shaped by my interactions with both people and technology. As we advance into the future, let's remember that the heart of storytelling is human connection—something that no amount of technology can replace, only enhance. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope our paths cross in the pages of my stories.

Join the Journey: Be Part of the 'Broken Code' Launch Team!

As we continue to explore the intersection of technology and human emotion, I invite you to be an integral part of this adventure. If Broken Code and Harper Brasfield’s story resonate with you, consider joining our launch team. Your support can help bring this narrative to a wider audience and deepen our collective understanding of these crucial themes.

Not ready to commit to the launch team? No worries! You can still be part of our community by subscribing to The Chase Newsletter. It’s your monthly dose of insights, updates, and behind-the-scenes looks at my writing process and upcoming projects.

If you have thoughts or questions or just want to chat about the themes we explore together, feel free to reach out to me here or connect with me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook). I’m looking forward to hearing from you and growing this community of curious minds and compassionate hearts.

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